The ATC is embarking on a collaboration with the Association of Professional Conference Organisers to…

The ATC will again be supporting NGO Translators without Borders at this year’s Summit and have already donated its small profit for 2018/19 to the charity. Translators without Borders (TWB) is a non-profit organization offering language and translation support for humanitarian and development agencies, and other non-profit organizations on a global scale.
The charity is launching its new campaign #ThePowerofWords and is hoping to raise US$30,000 to give Translators without Borders the flexibility to react quickly to give language support in humanitarian crises around the world.
It is exciting that as a not-for-profit ourselves, we can donate the small surplus we had at the end of 2018/19 to this notable charity and we hope that our members and other industry partners and followers feel they will be able to make a similar contribution to Translators without Borders to support their latest campaign. If you wish to donate or find out more, click here.