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The ATC is proud to announce a new partnership with BATF, the British Allied Trades Federation, whose member associations support over 2,500 businesses in the jewellery, travelgoods, and giftware sectors.

The partnership opens up new collaboration opportunities with BATF’s international division British Jewellery & Giftware International and its member associations including The Giftware Association, The National Association of Jewellers, The Surface Engineering Association, The Jewellery Distributors Association, and The British Travelgoods and Accessories Association.

BATF has long experience in supporting British jewellery, luxury goods, gift and travelgoods businesses to establish themselves in international markets. Its CEO Tom Jones is delighted about the potential of the partnership to share international market intelligence and to open up export opportunities:

“The BATF’s mission is to establish knowledge partnerships and collaborations with organisations who will be able to support our federated associations’ members to grow and thrive in business, and access to international markets is a key piece on this journey. Our new partnership with the ATC gives BATF’s member association an opportunity to lower companies’ barriers to export. Together, we will be able to provide much-needed cultural and linguistic guidance, and help companies unlock the potential of language capabilities and cultural awareness through fostering meaningful connections and commercial collaborations between export companies and ATC members.”

The ATC’s CEO Raisa McNab welcomes the opportunity for ATC members to support British companies’ internationalisation activities. “BATF and its member associations have been supporting trade and business for over 135 years, and I look forward to working together with BATF, its federated associations, and the ATC’s commercial collaborations team to open up real and tangible, international business opportunities.”

Collaboration opportunities for ATC members

Does your company provide language services in the luxury goods, jewellery, giftware or travelgoods sectors?

The ATC’s Commercial Collaborations Lead Sarah Bawa Mason is calling for interested member companies to step forward and work with the ATC and BATF’s federated associations to provide linguistic and cultural guidance, and to promote the value of language services.

Get in touch with Sarah via email at if you are interested in working with the ATC on this initiative!

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