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The ATC’s public sector news puts you in the picture of what’s new, noteworthy and interesting in the public sector space for translation and interpreting.


Ministry of Justice Qualifications Review

The UK Government has published a report on the technical review of qualifications and experience requirements for the provision of spoken language interpreting, carried out in 2022 in consultation with language services industry associations including the ATC. Many key recommendations from the review have been implemented in the current MoJ tender, in the form of a new MoJ Qualifications Framework.



House of Lords Report: interpreting services in the courts

The House of Lords’ Public Services Committee has published its report and recommendations on interpreting services in the courts. Entitled “Lost in translation? Interpreting services in the courts”, the report outlines the results and recommendations following the Public Services Committee’s inquiry into interpreting and translation services in courts, which are provided under contract by the Ministry of Justice.



London Councils: get involved in interpreting best practices

Do you provide translation or interpreting services for London Councils? The ATC is working in collaboration with a group of London Councils’ front-lines services across children’s and families, community safety, adult social care, emergency housing needs, and public health to identify and promote best practices in the supply of face-to-face and BSL interpreting. If you would like to be involved, get in touch with


Interpret-X: research into interpreting services in the NHS

The Interpret-X research project sought to understand the uptake, experience, and implementation of GP spoken language professional interpreting services among South Asian populations in England, by exploring the barriers/facilitators to uptake and implementation, patient and frontline staff experiences of services, and how commissioners and policymakers plan the delivery of services.



NHS England: Language Barrier Populations Tool

A new Language Barrier Populations Tool, commissioned by NHS England as part of a deep dive into interpretation and translation services in the NHS, uses census data to predict potential regional demand for interpreting and translation services within the NHS and for other public sector stakeholders.



Patient Information Forum

The Patient Information Forum (PIF) promotes access to trusted, evidence-based health information for patients, carers, the public and healthcare professionals. With nearly 3,000 members, PIF leads the conversation on best practice in the healthcare information space. If you provide language services to healthcare organisations and would be interested in getting involved, you can join PIF under the ATC free of charge – just get in touch at



Care to Translate: Medical translation app

ATC Partner Care to Translate’s innovative app offers medically verified translations in 45 languages, available 24/7, bridging the gap between professional interpreting services and day-to-day language needs. Implemented at healthcare settings in the Nordic countries and the UK, Care to Translate is also available for language service companies looking to expand their service provision.



Lingsom: interpreting management

ATC Partner Lingsom is a management system for LSPs – one system to manage all interpreting (spoken or sign language) and translation orders efficiently and securely. Custom-designed to manage the complexities of interpreting assignments, Lingsom matches each assignment on-site, over the phone, message delivery or video interpretation with the right linguist in your company and automatically does query, confirmation, invoicing, and payrolls and much more.



Miton Systems: telephone interpreting platform

ATC Partner Miton’s Interpreter Line platform enables you to run an automated telephone interpreting service 24/7. Interpreter Line has a low investment to get started, reducing internal administrative overheads, putting you in control of connecting your clients with your qualified interpreters in seconds.



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