CCL’s Greetings Welcome to the first edition of our new ATC Commercial & Trade Collaborations…

In the UK, there’s a lot of talk about a new “Global Britain”, post-Brexit. It’s not entirely clear what that is yet, but it sure isn’t going to go global without language services enabling multilingual communication.
So far we’ve established that EU nationals already in the UK can stay, great!
Next up, what could be more important than protecting our workforce of the future, the highly skilled linguists we’ll need to continue to run successful language service companies post-Brexit?
And what should the ATC be doing about it?
To start with, we will be looking at the immigration system and establishing the position translators and interpreters will most likely occupy post-Brexit. Next, we’ll be defining a lobbying stance to strengthen that position, and to enable LSPs to continue to bring in the country the linguistic talent they need, without being drowned in red tape or excessive fees.
And then we’ll take our lobbying to the powers-that-be, with the simple message that we can help Global Britain become a reality, but to do that, we need linguistic skills in this country.
If you haven’t already, now’s the time to rise to the barricades, or at least write to your MP. We’ll make it easy for you, and will also keep you updated on the progress of our Brexit activities, so watch this space. And wish us luck.