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ATC ISO News November 2024
An all-new ATC ISO team
The ATC’s ISO standards development work has an all-new, dedicated team: ISO Standards Lead and Co-opted Council Member Jane Crossley from Andiamo! Language Services and ISO specialist and Honorary Treasurer Carina Balbo from My Language Hub. Between them, Jane and Carina will lead the ATC’s involvement in ISO standards development, working within the BSI TS/1 Committee Language and terminology.
Jane and Carina take over the ATC’s ISO development work from CEO Raisa McNab, and the ATC’s long-term ISO expert Chris Cox whose dedication was recognised with the Eichner Award for lifetime achievement at the ATC Language Industry Awards 2024.
ISO knowledge-sharing with EUATC
In a significant initiative to bridge knowledge gaps and foster collaboration within ISO standards development in the language services industry, the EUATC has established a series of on-going collaborative webinars with ISO/TC 37/SC 5, the ISO committee behind translation, interpreting and related standards.
Register for next ISO webinar on 25 November!
Join the EUATC and ISO/TC 37/SC 5 leaders on 25 November for an interactive session to learn more about current and emerging ISO standards for language services:
- What goes on behind the ISO scenes and how you can get involved
- ISO 11669 Translation projects
- ISO/AWI 20228 Interpreting services — Legal interpreting
- ISO 17651 Simultaneous interpreting — Interpreters’ working environment
What exactly is ISO/TC 37/SC 5?
The ISO Technical Committee 37, Subcommittee 5 (ISO/TC 37/SC 5) is at the forefront of shaping standards for the translation, interpreting, and related technology sectors, contributing significantly to the evolution of the global language services industry and establishing internationally recognised standards that impact both service quality and industry practices across the world.
ISO 5060 for objective translation quality evaluation
In the ever-evolving landscape of language services, ensuring quality and consistency in translation output is crucial. ISO 5060 Translation services – Evaluation of translation output offers a structured, adaptable approach to translation quality evaluation. As a newly developed guidance standard, ISO 5060 focuses on how translation output should be assessed, providing a robust framework that supports human decision-making while avoiding the rigidity of requirement standards.
ISO certification with ATC Certification
The ATC’s dedicated, industry-expert certification body ATC Certification meets the language services industry’s unique requirements, and helps you gain ISO certification through a dedicated remote auditing process, with auditors who understand your business. And, of course, ATC members get 20% off on certification fees!
Get involved in ISO development!
The ATC is actively involved in the development of new ISO standards for the language services industry. The ATC’s ISO Standards Commenting Group reviews and comments on ISO standards under development, influencing the way emerging standards will impact ATC members and the language services industry. The Commenting Group is now calling for new members, write to to find out more!