The ATC is coming together with the Canadian Language Industry Association (CLIA) to form a…

Find the potential. Let us prepare them.
A great language services project manager understands the industry and the bigger picture, sees how their role sits within the company’s operations, and knows their stuff as a language service pro.
In 2022, the ATC in collaboration with Elia will bring you a totally new training course and certification scheme for project managers.
The course will:
- train your fresh recruits in language services project management
- save you heaps of induction time and effort
- give you job-ready PMs who understand the bigger picture
Great! How does it work?
ATC Elia PM Training is a foundation-level, on-demand eLearning course with over 50 hours of videos, practice tasks and quizzes.
Our trainers are seasoned industry experts sharing their tips, tricks and knowledge about:
- The Bigger Picture: comprehensive industry overview, trends and stakeholders
- The LSP: inner workings of a language service company, its structures and functions
- The Project Management: skills, tools and tasks a pro PM needs
And what’s best: it’s available on-demand, anywhere, anytime.
And a separate Certification Exam gives you ATC Elia Certified PMs, to boot!
I’m in! What will it cost?
A lot less than the time and effort you put in during your normal induction and training weeks. And of course, ATC and Elia members get a sizeable discount!
ATC and Elia member companies
- Training Course €500 / £420
- Valid for 90 days
Non-member companies
- Training Course €700 / £590
- Valid for 90 days
Certification Exam
- €100 / £90