CCL’s Greetings Welcome to the first edition of our new ATC Commercial & Trade Collaborations…

Every other year, the ATC’s UK Language Services Industry Survey and Report charts the trends and drivers of the second-largest national market of language services, the United Kingdom.
Every other year, the report gives us invaluable insights into how the UK’s language services market is developing, enables ATC member companies to benchmark their business and services against the wider industry landscape, and informs our friends, partners and stakeholders across the UK, EU and the world.
This 2023 Report is no exception. This much we know today: the UK’s language services industry is diverse and resilient. It has not just weathered several crises over the past two years, but bounced back even stronger. Within the UK landscape, the majority of language service companies (LSCs) have turned the past years’ challenges into successful growth strategies and have diversified service and technology portfolios. They continue to support a largely domestic market, and to facilitate international business and export growth.
However, what we also know is that this landscape is not the same for everyone, and that we are starting to see gaps emerge between micro, small and medium-sized companies. Micro companies – those turning over up to GBP 2 million – are not growing at the same rate as small and medium-sized companies.
What we don’t know is where the journey will take us next. This report marks a pivotal moment in the language services industry, one where the initial buzz around AI-enabled services is dying down and the hard hands-on work of figuring out how to leverage new technologies in language services processes begins.
ATC UK Language Services Industry Survey and Report 2023