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Exploring client landscapes

Join us at the ATC networking event in Birmingham on Thursday 18 May 2023 to explore client landscapes and map out new routes towards successful collaboration with business organisations and client-side trade associations!

 We kick off the event with a networking lunch with Women in Localization UK Chapter, followed by two engaging workshops on building business opportunities through commercial collaborations.

When and where?

Date and time: Thursday 18 May 2023 at 12.00-17.00 BST

Location: The Priory Rooms in the heart of Birmingham City Centre, easily accessed from the three mainline railway stations. Find us at

Cost: £55 + VAT for ATC member companies, £75 + VAT for non-members



Networking Lunch with Women in Localization UK Chapter 12.00-13.30 BST

Focus Workshops 13.30-17.00 BST

Workshop 1: Business Through Business Organisations

Business organisations and networks like the Chambers of Commerce cover the whole of the UK and can open access to businesses looking to expand their international reach, in need of language services.

But how exactly do you convert networking to serious business opportunities? What other business organisations could you gain business from?

This workshop taps into the intelligence gathered through the ATC’s commercial collaborations work and the experiences of ATC member companies, to increase your understanding of client landscapes and identify new opportunities for business.

Hosted by ATC Commercial Collaborations Lead Sarah Bawa Mason

Workshop 2: Client-side Trade Associations as a Business Gateway

Trade associations are where companies and organisations gather to learn about best practice and the latest innovations. Through engagement with client-side trade associations, you can position yourself as a credible, first-choice partner for language services.

What are the dos and don’ts of client-side trade association engagement? How can you lead the conversation in a way that results in tangible business opportunities?

This workshop explores collaborations with client-side trade associations, and how you can benefit from the ATC’s trade association networks to build pathways to business.

Hosted by ATC Chief Executive Officer Raisa McNab


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