The ATC is coming together with the Canadian Language Industry Association (CLIA) to form a…

Whether you’re confident, confused, or simply clueless about the GDPR, the Association of Translation Companies (ATC) will save the day by providing straightforward and relevant resources to help all Language Service Providers meet the GDPR obligations.
The ATC, the world’s longest established professional association representing language providers, has produced a series of bite-size implementation guides including template documents and webinar resources, to help translation companies make step-by-step progress towards compliance.
Each section in the ATC’s Guide to the GDPR will be published separately, giving companies chance to consider and implement its content before moving on to the next step. It’s an invaluable toolkit to help them comply with EU data regulations coming into force on 25th May.
The Guide will consider GDPR issues that are common to all Language Service Providers in respect of:
- Clients and potential clients
- Suppliers
- Translation content
- Employees/HR matters.
It follows on from the ATC’s popular webinar series on implementing the GDPR, which is free of charge for ATC members and is included as part of the LSP Guide package for non-members.
The purchase price of the Guide also includes regular updates on relevant GDPR developments and how they may affect company operations as the guidance and interpretations around the GDPR develop over the course of the coming months.
The Guide is produced in collaboration with Rebecca Rubio, a certified EU GDPR Practitioner, who until a recent career change, was Managing Director of a UK LSP and has more than 23 years’ experience in the industry. This combination gives her a unique insight into the practical challenges facing LSPs in respect of the GDPR, and this perspective will inform all sections of the Guide.
She said: “Mindful that LSPs are no doubt already bombarded with offers of GDPR publications, consultancy and training, our aim is to tackle the issue of the GDPR in a way that is directly relevant to them: Concise, industry-specific, and most importantly practical, without getting bogged down in GDPR theory or history.
“The new regulation applies from 25th May, although it’s recognised that many companies will not be ready by that date. Our advice is not to panic, but not to do nothing either. By signing up for the ATC’s Guide you’ll be well prepared to meet the new obligations.”
Register your interest now on this link to download an overview and release dates for the ATC LSP Guide to the GDPR.
ATC members: £75 + VAT
Association partner members (EUATC, GALA, ELIA) – £200 + VAT
Non-members: £250 + VAT