The ATC is embarking on a collaboration with the Association of Professional Conference Organisers to…

The ATC’s newest Associate Partner is Magic Beans Agency, a strategic solutions partner supporting the growth and expansion of language service companies.
Magic Beans Agency works with SME language service companies providing strategic consulting and insights to leaders and managers, implementing vital initiatives in tech, quality and talent, providing complete revenue growth and transformation solutions, and delivering critical training to LSC teams and stakeholders.
Robert Martin, Magic Beans Agency’s Founder and Managing Director, is looking forward to guiding ATC member companies through what remain choppy waters: “The team at Magic Beans Agency, just like the language services industry, is multidisciplinary and comes from a range of backgrounds and experiences, with a practical, no-nonsense approach, delivered with urgency. We’ve been there, and done it ourselves, and are now putting our experience to LSC’s service.”
If you’re looking to take your company to the next level, or bolster your technology or recruitment, Magic Beans has the solution:
- Reinvent and perfect your unique value proposition
- Reach new markets and increase revenue
- Build relationships and assure profitability
- Craft long-term strategies around technology, quality, talent, operations and skills
- Implement new, cutting edge technologies, workflows and processes (AI, MT and more)
- Upskill your team and improve employee engagement
- Engage and retain strategic talent to propel growth and innovation
- Prepare for M&A or for long-term success and viability
The ATC’s CEO Raisa McNab welcomes the new partnership: “Our focus is on building solid commercial foundations for business and supporting the ATC’s member companies to not just survive but to thrive in this very rapidly changing landscape. Magic Beans Agency provides a hands-on, expert service for SMEs, helping them develop in the areas that count the most.”