CCL’s Greetings Welcome to the first edition of our new ATC Commercial & Trade Collaborations…

Language services enable every other sector and industry to thrive. We know this to be true, and we are incredible at telling this to each other, but when talking directly to clients, we often fall short on clearly highlighting the value added by our work in terms of its concrete contributions to the success of client projects. What’s more, in the midst of economic struggles, and the proliferation of AI-enabled services accessible to all, language service companies must work extra hard to be heard above the background noise.
The new ATC Commercial Collaborations Round Table Event Planner Pack is designed to help ATC members take a shortcut to getting noticed via the forum of local and national business associations of many stripes.
Use this guide as a best practice template to host a round table on “How to Boost Export ROI Through Translation”, in collaboration with your local business organisation, and perhaps other ATC member companies in your region!
Working on the premise that we don’t need to reinvent the wheel where perfectly good templates already exist, we have adapted the work we have done in collaboration with the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and the Department for Business & Trade’s UK Export Academy into a simple step-by-step template and messaging you can replicate with your local and regional business entities and organisations.