The ATC's Business Services Drop-In introduces you to service providers and partners whose job it…

The ATC’s Member of the Month in February 2021 showcases London-based Translayte, who recently upgraded their Associate Membership to full Accredited Membership.
“Translayte is relatively young in the language services industry so we had to find our speciality and our niche very quickly,” recounts Director Tayo Ademolu.
“We came out of our shell in 2019 at the ATC’s Language Industry Summit, the first industry event we ever attended. The networking and interaction in the industry is great, and it can have a really positive impact on how you develop and grow your business. Some of the conversations I had and insights I gained at the first Summit we attended continue to shape how we build our business today.”
Translayte specialises in sworn, certified and authorised translations, offering a bespoke country-specific service in a number of markets, mainly for B2C clients.
“Trends that shape our work are things like global travel and immigration, and the early days of the pandemic really affected the business,” says Ademolu.
“That taught us to go back to the drawing board and be nimble. It made us think about what we do well and not so well, and how we can adapt to take advantage of what’s happening. We’ve always had a remote setup, which helped us to scale quickly.”
Translayte has virtual offices in several countries, which proved a competitive advantage when the pandemic hit, allowing the company to continue trading without interruption.
This resulted in the company seeing an uptake in business by the summer, with individuals who would have previously contacted a local lawyer, translator or immigration consultant for their translation needs now finding Translayte online.
“The pandemic meant we had to step back and figure out what had been working for us, and that’s our B2C translation business. Our processes are geared towards that, and thus attract more business, and over the course of the year we have been able to fine tune that even better. Our B2C business grew during 2020. We expanded to new countries, offering the same services in the B2C sector, and partnering with local immigration lawyers and notaries public,” Ademolu explains.
“We offer a local certification service, in the local language. We understand the market intricately, and that’s our competitive advantage, because certifying translations is so different in each country.”
What has taken Translayte by surprise is the amount of enquiries from language service companies looking to partner with a certification specialist.
“It makes a lot of sense for our partner language service companies to outsource this work to us, especially if they otherwise don’t do a huge amount of certified translations, because we have the network and the infrastructure in place to offer certified, sworn and authorised translations across the world,” concludes Ademolu.
Watch Translayte’s Director Tayo Ademolu talk about the early days of networking and how that shaped the company here.