CCL’s Greetings Welcome to the first edition of our new ATC Commercial & Trade Collaborations…
Remote Interpreting Checklists for Clients, Language Service Companies and Interpreters
The ATC, in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Linguists, has produced Best Practice Checklists for Remote Interpreting, accessible to ATC and CIOL members as a member benefit.
Remote interpreting requires the right setup and an understanding of how to make it work without hitches.
These best practice checklists for clients, language service companies and interpreters help all parties of a remote interpreting assignment prepare for a successful telephone or video remote interpreting session.
ATC CEO Raisa McNab welcomes the checklists, “Technologies for remote interpreting have developed in leaps and bounds over the past year. Besides using great technology, a successful remote interpreting assignment is also about ensuring that each party knows their role and responsibilities, and what best practice looks like.”
“These checklists are a great starting point for a smoothly running assignment, and I’m sure ATC member companies will also benefit from sharing them with their clients and interpreters.”
ATC members can download the Remote Interpreting Checklists from the ATC Member Area under My Benefits > ATC Guides.