A new study investigates the prevalence of ISO standards for interpreting (ISOI) implementation within the…

The ATC has launched its 2019 Language Industry Summit and announced its headline programme for 19-20 September.
Taking place at the historic Royal Naval College on the banks of the River Thames, in Greenwich, London, the Summit’s theme Business. Community. Evolution. brings together stakeholders from across the UK and the international language services industry.
The programme has been designed to be an event of two halves, with the focus on Thursday 19 September dedicated to the accelerating M&A trends within and outside the language services industry; setting up shop overseas; building business locally; and the perennial challenge for businesses great and small: late payments.
The programme on Friday 20 September sees the use of automation, AI and MT in innovation and as an enabler of global communications; excellence through specialisation; the hiring and motivation of staff; sales ethos on a low budget; and the results of the forthcoming ATC Language Industry Survey 2019.
With keynote speakers from The Business Buyers Club and Deloitte UK, the Small Business Commissioner’s Office as well BBC Monitoring, EY, and renowned speakers from across the language services industry, the ATC Language Industry Summit is truly not to be missed.
To join us at the Language Industry Summit, book here.